31 December, 2014

Last Day- 2014

This time last year I was home in Boston, celebrating the end of 2013 with friends, about to get snowed in for an extra week in the US thanks to the polar vortex. This year Emily and I are closing out 2014 in Cape Town (technically in Knysna) enjoying long hot days and the ocean. These two awesome trips bookend a very full, very fast year. Last half year in Zambia, re-visiting Namibia, deciding on a plan for the next two years, a wonderful trip up the west coast of the US, and, finally, moving to Kenya. I feel very lucky to have shared it all with family and friends new, old and very old. Hoping for more of the same in 2015.

I've included a few photos of our trip around South Africa below, more to come later. 

 (Dusk view from Chapman's Peak drive)

(Windy sunset on Lion's Head, Table Mountain behind draped in clouds)

(Colorful changing houses on Muizenburg Beach on boxing day)

(Devil's Peak, Table Mountain and Lion's Head)

(Sharing a glass of wine at a Stellenbosch Vineyard)