31 October, 2013

October in Zambia

It’s Halloween, and while the weather here is hot rather than brisk and there’s dust on the ground instead of leaves, we still managed a small token of recognition. See if you can guess whose squash is whose (hint: you wouldn't be able to tell it was Emily's first jack-o-lantern)

And how better to celebrate the last day of October than with an awesome end to a truly impressive baseball season. Waking up at 2 am to stream the game live was worth it to watch this bearded bunch of ballplayers put on another great show. Thinking of all of you celebrating in Boston today. 

04 October, 2013

Engagement Photos

Last weekend I did an engagement photo shoot with two friends around Lusaka. They'll have official photos done later, but this shoot was more for them to relive and remember their 5 years together here before moving away a few days later. We went all over town searching for those quintessential Lusaka icons and places. With the light and the city cooperating we came away with some fun photos. Here are few of my favorites.