23 September, 2011

Let's Hear it for Zambia

Late last night, Zambians achieved what has, of late, eluded many other countries: the successful and peaceful transfer of power from one political party to another. After a relatively quiet couple days of voting and counting, the results were made official around midnight last night. Upon their announcement, crowds of exuberant supporters, armed with car horns and vuvuzelas, took to the streets in celebration. Somehow I managed to sleep through it all, but this morning you can still see echoes of the jubilant night. The roads are jammed with marchers and there’s a literal symphony of triumphant honking, whistling and singing as people hang out their car windows with wild abandon. Everywhere you look the blue propaganda of the incumbent party has been quickly and effectively replaced by posters and wraps in opposition green, and the refrain of the opposition’s theme song, Donchi Kubeba (Don’t Tell Them) can be heard from every direction. This is a marked change from the past two days, when Lusaka was an empty ghost town. There was a huge army and police presence on the streets and all businesses would close up at the slightest rumor of unrest.

It's true, it wasn't a perfect execution; opportunistic mobs burned and looted businesses in a few cities across the country, and opposing supporters clashed in the compounds (though the vast majority of businesses and citizens were safe and secure). In addition, far too much money was spent on the campaigns and the government was wrong to silence all but state media ahead of the announcing the results. Nonetheless, the crowning success cannot be denied: the opposition candidate has been elected and the incumbent party is duly and peacefully handing over power. Not to say I believe one party to be better than another, I truly don't have the knowledge or experience to comment on Zambian politics. Rather, I'm celebrating the turnover (after twenty years) and the transition. If, by the end of today, this changeover reaches a peaceful resolution, I think the world should applaud what has happened here. With respect for fellow citizens and for the foundations of a democratic system, Zambians have laid the framework for a model of peaceful and representative elections which should be built on by all countries, in Africa and beyond.

Read more here and here 

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear the transition of power is going peacefully. I hope it continues...

    (And a nice relaying of information regarding the turn of events.)
